About Us
The Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.®) is a national organization founded and sponsored by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Its membership consists of Harley-Davidson owners and member sponsored associates and friends. Over a million members have enrolled around the world. The Man O’War Chapter H.O.G., #1873, formerly called the Bluegrass Chapter, is part of the Man O’War Harley-Davidson family located in Lexington, Kentucky. We are a group of Harley enthusiasts who meet regularly, plan rides and other events, and participate in supporting various organizations. Our priority is to ride and have fun!
Our Chapter general membership meetings are normally held on one of the early weekends of each month. Check the "Calendar" for the next meeting. The public is welcome to attend. Through the riding season we like to take our meetings on the road occasionally. Watch the newsletter or website and come join us. Chapter Officers normally meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month, at 6:00 p.m. All Man O’War H.O.G. members are welcome to attend these meetings. Just let us know in advance, so we can make sure there is adequate room. Please refer to the "Event Calendar” for the actual dates and locations, as they do change occasionally.
Our History
Originally, the Bluegrass Chapter #1616, founded July 22, 1987, was created when 37 Harley riders petitioned the dealership to start the chapter and make an application to National H.O.G. The sponsor, at that time was Lynn McGaughey representing Harley-Davidson of Lexington. Jerry Prewitt was the first Chapter Director, with David McGaughey as the Secretary/Treasurer. Reviewing the initial membership reveals many familiar names, such as our late friend and rider, Lanny Hanks, along with several other people who are still members in our chapter today. Our membership is in the hundreds today and still growing strong. Some members are very active, and then there are some we only see once in awhile.
In January 2005, the ownership of Harley-Davidson of Lexington changed to Wes Blackburn and Jim Bentley, with a new General Manager. In April 2006, Harley-Davidson of Lexington began doing business as Man O’War Harley-Davidson in a brand new facility. The new owners and their management team knew the value of the Bluegrass Chapter to the dealership and the community. With that in mind, Man O’War vowed to assist the chapter in as many ways as possible, so that we could continue to be a growing and “Fun” chapter which would attract the involvement of area Harley enthusiasts.
In August 2011, Jim Bentley was now fully at the helm of the dealership. It was then suggested that our chapter adopt the dealership's name and become the Man O'War Chapter, thus eliminating any possible association between the Bluegrass Chapter and any other dealership or chapter in the Commonwealth. By the middle of the month, all the paperwork was completed and approved at the national headquarters of the Harley Owners Group®.
Only the chapter name has changed. We’re still all the same folks doing the same thing…riding our Harley’s and having fun.
The original H.O.G. chapter was formed to bring together riders who share an enthusiasm for riding their beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycles. “Live to Ride – Ride to Live.” Our primary mission is to “Ride and Have Fun…Safely”, while promoting the image of our group as a diverse, yet respectful, band of riders that enjoys riding and talking about bikes or the rides we’ve been on. We just love riding and having fun together. We do consider ourselves a family organization and encourage family participation. That remains the same today, some 20+ years later
Man O’ War H.O.G. Director: Bryan B.
H.O.G. Chapter Manager
Mike Minton
(859) 253-2461
Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 10am to 6pm
Appointments encouraged